Friday, September 14, 2012

Save Money and Extend the life of your Refrigerator with Just 5 Easy Steps.

The best way to save money with your Refrigerator is to have an energy efficient machine. We talked about which Appliances are worth upgrading in this previous post, a refrigerator is one of the items you can benefit from replacing if your machine is not currently energy efficient or over 10 years old. If you are happy with your refrigerator, and would like to save money and extend its life (who wouldn't?), just follow these 5 easy steps.

1. Empty the Ice Maker Bucket Monthly

Once a month you need to throw out all the ice left in your ice bucket. Clean the tray with a mild dish detergent and once it is dry you can return it to the freezer to make more ice. The reason you need to replace your ice monthly, is because ice cubes will absorb odors.

2. Every 3 Months, Clean the Refrigerator Coils

This should be done at least every three months. The coils need to be cleaned monthly if you have pets because when the refrigerator is running, it pulls air through the coils to keep the compressor from overheating. If you have pets, it will pull in pet hair along with the air and clog up the coils. When the coils become clogged, the motor must work much harder which will eat into the life span of your refrigerator as well as your energy bill. Make sure to check your refrigerator manual before cleaning the coils. If you cannot find your manual, manufacturers post manuals on their website for their products in PDF form, you can Google your model number. For most refrigerator coils, you can simply vaccum the fan and condenser coils on the rear or bottom of the refrigerator with the brush attachment.  Or you can purchase a refrigerator brush (shown in picture above), that will remove dust from the coils.

3. Clean the Gasket or Door Seal every 3 Months

The gasket is the seal on your refrigerator door. Wipe the door gasket with warm soapy water and towel dry. One of the most common reasons a gasket will become brittle or cracked (which will eat into your energy bill big time) is due to residue build up. Eventually the residue build up can cause cracks or tears. But you can prevent this by simply giving them a good warm wipe every 3 months. When the gasket is clean and dry, you can add a very thin layer of Vaseline with a clean cloth to help keep the seal soft.

4. Check the Drip Pan Seasonally
If your refrigerator is a model with a drip pan that collects condensation from the refrigerator, you need to check on it every so often. Make sure to consult your owner's manual for the manufacturer's instructions on taking out the drip pan. If you cannot find your manual you can Google the model number of your refrigerator and find an online manual by the manufacturer. You'll want to clean your drip pan because they can become moldy over time. Be safe and wear gloves, sometimes you may need to use bleach. Once the drip pan is clean and dry, return the drip pan and grill to their rightful place in the fridge.

5. Replace the water filter every 6 months

Many models nowadays have a change filter indicator. This is very helpful because you should change your water filter (if you have one) every 6 months. This will ensure clean water and ice and help to prevent clogs and leaks. 

Some helpful Tips:
  • Keep food covered when storing in the fridge to prevent odors from sneaking from the fridge to the freezer. 
  • Keep an open box of baking soda, label the date it was opened, because it will absorb odor-causing acids for up to 3 months.
  • Make sure to clean spills immediately after they occur.

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